A Pink Poodle birthday party is a great party theme for a little girl's birthday party. Lest get started with the planning?
To make this Pink Poodle birthday invitations you need to first pick and download a nice Pink Poodle image from the internet.
Set that image on the left side of pink cardstock. Below the Pink Poodle write "Ooh-la-la!! Le Birthday Party For Anna Lee". Then fold the paper in two, so it looks like an invite.
Now the Pink Poodle should be on the front of the invite. Gently, add some pink glitter to the Pink Poodle image. Write the party information inside the card.
Pink Parisian Invitations
With the help off the internet, print out Eiffel Tower clip art out on pink card stock. Sprinkle the Eiffel Tower with white or pink glitter. Write below the tower "Ooh-la-la!! Le Birthday Party For "name"". Add the rest of the party information inside the card.
Ooh-la-la!! Le Birthday Party For Anna Lee!
A pretend day in Paris is waiting for you, Join us in the fun!
Le Details: Address, Time, Date.
RSVP to Madame "name" at "phone nr" by "date".
Place Pink Poodle stand-ups all over the party area. Make them by coping your favourite Pink Poodle pictures into cardboard. Use an overhead projector to draw them very large (copy a picture out of a book, clipart, etc onto an overhead transparency). Cut and paint 2-5 large Pink Poodle cardboards using this technique. Don't have the same Pink Poodle image, have different stand-ups: sitting pose, walking, etc.
Shaded the cardboard in detail and place the Pink Poodle's around the yard with wooden stakes, or in the party room. For extra glam cover all the Pink Poodles with clear glitter and add purple bows in the hair of to the stand up Poodles. Do this by gluing a purple satin bow on the heads of the Pink Poodles.
Cut large and small paw prints-shaped hole out of construction paper. Paint it with a paint roller and pink washable paint, and roll pink dog footprints up you driveway, and down your side path, leading up to your front door, etc.
Decorate the table with a pink table cloth and bright pink tulle over it. If you can find bright pink striped and polka dot plates and napkins at your supermarket, great. If not pre-buy some plates, cups, etc with Pink Poodle images on them. Have a big pink tulle bow tied on the back of each chair.
Make or buy 24-28 vanilla cupcakes and frost them in purple and pink. Put them on a silver cupcake tower (you will find this at party stores). Place the cupcake tower in the middle of the table. This is a great girly idea for centrepiece.
Pink Poodle Decoration
Invite guests to draw and colour pink poodle clipart. Let the kids decorate their Pink Poodle clipart with pink cotton balls, glitter, sequins, etc. This is lots of fun, especially for younger children.
Trendy Collars
Invite the children to decorate collars for their Poodles. The collars are made out of stretchy thread and beads (normal beads and letter beads from craft stores). Ask the kids to think of French Poodle names as they have to put the letters of their dogs name on the collar.
Pin the Tail on FI FI
Pink Poodle birthday game similar to Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Draw a picture of a poodle on a large paper. Cut pink tails out of pink construction paper. Write the kids names on the tails. Put tape on both sides of the tail. When playing the game, blindfold the kids one by one, spin them around and let them Pin the Tail on Fi Fi. The kid who places the tail closest to the correct spot, wins the game.
Pink Gum Blowing
Have a pink bubble-gum blowing contest. This game is especially fun for younger kids.
Posh Pink Poodle Pare
Tell the kids to put the collars they made for their Poodles on their Poodles. And have a Poodle Pare inside and outside the house. Have your kids favourite poodle tunes playing in the background.
French Divas
Teach the kids French words and phrases so they can speak a bit of French during the party to each other. Teach them how to say- happy Birthday; bon anniversaire, goodbye; au revoir, hello; bonjour, please; s'il vous pla?t, thank you; le merci, and fabulous; fabuleux .
Pass The Bone
Pink Poodle birthday game similar to Hot Potato. Let the kids sit in a circle. The kids have to pass (a fake) dog bone to each other, as fast as possible, while music is playing in the background. When the music stops, the person holding the bone goes out of the game. Play until there is only one person left, the winner.
Fi Fi Says
Pink Poodle birthday game similar to Simon says. One player is chosen to be Fi Fi, his job is to call out "Fi Fi says and describe an action". The rest of the kids have to mimic the action Fi Fi is demonstrating, but only if she says "Fi Fi says". If she doesn't mention "Fi Fi says" the other kids should not mimic Fi Fi. The faster Fi Fi commands the more difficult the game becomes. Any kid who copies a movement from Fi Fi, without Fi Fi saying "Fi Fi says" is out of the game.
Pink Poodle Time
Let the girls play with their stuffed poodles. Giving commands, dressing them, etc.
Pink Castle Bounce House
If you have a big back yard and it doesn't snow were you live, rent a Pink Castle shaped bounce-house. This is lots of fun and the kids love it.
Pink Poodle Pi?ata
Finish the party off with a Pink Poodle Pi?ata. Fill the pi?ata with small related Pink Poodle items and lots of candy.
Cut the heart shapes in the middle, fill the mini hearth cakes with strawberry cream or vanilla cream. Frost the heart shape mini cakes with pink frosting and pink sprinkles.
The best thing is to pre-buy Pink Poodle purses, there are so cute and not expensive. Fill the Pink Poodle purses with glitter sunglasses, combs, a plush poodle, a poodle bracelet, a beaded necklace, a poodle keychain and glitter gel pens with little notebooks. Take lots of pictures during the party. Sent out a complimentary photo-show and pictures provided via email. When sending the email include a small note saying "Tank You for Coming To My Pink Poodle Birthday Party"I hope our ideas will help you plan a wonderful Pink Poodle birthday and I hope your little princess will love her Pink Poodle birthday party.
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